Case studies of heat transition planning and implementation by Dutch municipalities

One of the goals of the Going Dutch? project is to examine how the heat transition governance framework works at the local level. To do so, we conducted case studies of heat decarbonisation in four municipalities in the Netherlands: Amsterdam, Hoogeveen, Pekela, and Tilburg.

The case studies discuss the development and implementation of municipal heat transition visions and pilot projects that received grants from the Programma Aardgasvrije Wijken (PAW), or the Natural Gas-Free Neighbourhoods Programme. The case studies examine how local actors approach and make decisions on citizen engagement, strategy, technology, investments, and infrastructure development, as well as the outcomes of those efforts to date.

Sources of evidence included semi-structured interviews with participants in and observers of local heat transition planning processes, official documents, project websites, PAW materials, and local media.


The Dutch approach to governance of heat transitions - presentation to DESNZ


State governance capacity to coordinate and deliver heat transitions in the Netherlands and England